Have you ever thought about owning your own house someday? Lets take it down a notch, what about a car? Now lets take it up a notch, Have you ever thought about owning your own land? Think about that for a second….Owning your own land.

You can pretty much do whatever you want with your own land. Camp, bring a bunch of campers with a few friends have a few beers, hell you can have your own little mini festival if you wanted, run your own burning man. Owning land is basically cheaper than buying that new car you’ve dreamt about for the last couple of years.

You can pretty much invest and buy land for less then what you can buy a car for. Let that sink in. Here are 3 reasons why buying land is totally worth your time.

1. Land is super easy to buy. 

Majority of land buying is done remotely, all online. You don’t even need to leave your own living room. It’s a simple process that allows you to sign documents online and send money electronically. easy peasy. You can finance and most of the time it’s through a private seller.

2. Land gives you peace of mind. 

Not only is buying land cheap and affordable, But you don’t have to worry about those loud neighbors or lets face it those nosey neighbors. Land can’t be stolen or destroyed. Land is value and an infinite resource, with only limited quantities available.

3. Cheap, cheap, cheap.

As I said before you can now buy land cheaper than buying your own car. Land is a smart long term hold, allowing you to win the benefits of rising values. Especially if you buy in an area that’s expecting to rise and grow. Land is inexpensive to own over time. There are no mortgage payments and utility bills, there are no extra charges and property insurance is not required.

At the end of the day, Land buying is an investment, A really good investment.


-Mark Twain